At a basic level, a computer can only do three things:
In Q8, the main memory area is that gray grid.
(Copying the number from one box into another box)
This is done with CPU instructions,
commonly referred to as operations (ops), which we'll get to in a moment.
This can't happen in the main memory area, it has to happen in a working memory area called a register (the two special boxes at the bottom of the main memory grid).
To do work on information, you have to move it into the registers, do the work there, and then store the results of that work back into main memory, so that you can free up the registers to do more work.
Q8 is designed a little differently than the standard x86 or ARM processors commonly seen today. It only has 2 registers, and doesn't provide a general purpose stack. This greatly simplifies the instruction table, but requires the programmer to change their method of interaction with the system slightly.
To keep things clear as we talk about the memory grid, we'll use the words tile or cell to refer to specific byte-wide boxes in memory.
To efficiently write code for Q8 without diving into runtime modification of bytecode, the programmer must use general memory as external registers. The platform provides a few of instructions that help to make that interaction as painless as possible.
To improve legibility, I've provided a little asssembly block next to each grid image Q8's assembly is simple, but it's still best to describe the notation ahead of time.
Instructions are positioned op and then argument. An instruction like SET A 9
can be read as "set register A to the value 9"
To tell the assembler that you want to use a name to refer to a spot in assembly, all you need to
do is plop your name where you want it, and then append a :
to the end, like loop:
y: $55
To define some data that'll live in the grid, you can use a label, and then prefix the value you want to
use with a $
. For example, to define a variable, x, and to set it to 1 initially, you'd
write this: x: $1
> 25
To place the next piece of code at a particular position, position shifters can be used. These are mostly useful for asthetic reasons, allowing the user to neatly separate op blocks from data. Another possible use, putting a catchall halt at the end of the grid so that the program counter doesn't wrap around from 255 to 0 on an unforseen failure state
; Hello
Comments are quite useful for program legibility. Assembly can be hard to follow, comments are there to help
ADD A x ; Adds the value at labelled position x to A
This program sets A
to 1, B
to the value at label x, 1, and then adds them. The result, 2, is left in A
SET A 1 LOAD B x ADD A B > 32 x: $1
A great little debugging buddy, the SET
is excellent for debugging and cramming single-use constants into registers.
This mechanism proves remarkably useful in some of the example programs for tracking boolean
data, and drawing specific block values to the screen.
JMP 33 > 33 SET A 9 SET B 2
The indirect accessors, LOAD
are the meat and potatoes of the Q8 I/O family.
Most of the time to keep the limited register space available for ops, you'll wind up using these.
JMP 26 > 33 LOAD A x LOAD B y STORE A x STORE B y > 64 x: $1 y: $2
Double indirect accessors are used a little less frequently, but when you need them, you need them. They've proved Very useful
for tracking indices into an array, or setting up jump tables. You can LOADI
to get the value,
and LOAD
to get the index. When you want to change your index, you LOAD
the index,
make your modification, and then STORE
it back again. Changing the value at the tile pointed to by the index
JMP 26 > 33 LOADI A x_loc LOADI B y_loc STOREI A x_loc STOREI B y_loc > 64 x_loc: $80 y_loc: $81 > 80 x: $1 y: $2
This doesn't prove to be very useful in practice, as most of the time you'll need to keep both registers available, but it does take fewer cpu cycles than a tile loop, not needing the additional blocks to load and store the external tile. It's also good for reducing the loop's tile footprint, as it doesn't need to use an extra tile for state.
SET A 5 JMP loop_start > 34 loop_start: ISZERO A JZ 255 DEC A JMP loop_start > 255 HALT
This is the loop you'll see frequently in the example projects. It's a little longer than a register loop, but far more practical, as it keeps the two registers available for the code the loop jumps into. It isn't perfect. The loop overwrites a register, so you'll need to save it if you want to come back to that value.
JMP loop_start > 34 loop_start: LOAD A idx ISZERO A JZ 255 DEC A STORE A idx JMP loop_start > 255 HALT > 80 idx: $5